Article | Brand, Class, Model, Woods | Description | Price/Quality | Price | Add |
BSF 1B | AURA, Study, Soprano, Maple | Fantasy, baroque fingering, blue |        | €79.00 |
BSF 1R | AURA, Study, Soprano, Maple | Fantasy, baroque fingering, red |        | €79.00 |
BSF 2B | AURA, Study, Soprano, Maple | Fantasy, german fingering, blue |        | €77.00 |
BSF 2G | AURA, Study, Soprano, Maple | Fantasy, german fingering, green |        | €77.00 |
BSF 2R | AURA, Study, Soprano, Maple | Fantasy, german fingering, red |        | €77.00 |
BS 1 | AURA, Study, Soprano, Pearwood | baroque fingering, varnished, joint with cork |        | €82.00 |
BS 2 | AURA, Study, Soprano, Pearwood | german fingering, varnished, joint with cork |        | €80.00 |
BS 3 | AURA, Study, Soprano, Pearwood | german fingering, unvarnished |        | €60.00 |
BS 3B | AURA, Study, Soprano, Pearwood | baroque fingering, unvarnished |        | €61.00 |
BS 1B | AURA, Study, Soprano, Bubinga | baroque fingering, joint with cork |        | €141.00 |
BS 1P | AURA, Study, Soprano, Rosewood | baroque fingering, joint with cork |        | €162.00 |
BA 5 | AURA, Study, Alto, Pearwood | baroque fingering |        | €228.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | single key for Alto | | €115.00 |
BA 5A | AURA, Study, Alto, Pearwood | baroque fingering, with thumbhole bushing |        | €263.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | single key for Alto | | €115.00 |
BA 5B | AURA, Study, Alto, Bubinga | baroque fingering, with thumbhole bushing |        | €354.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | single key for Alto | | €115.00 |
BA 5P | AURA, Study, Alto, Rosewood | baroque fingering, thumbholebushing |        | €403.00 |
BT 6A | AURA, Study, Tenor, Pearwood | baroque fingering, with thumbhole bushing |        | €458.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | Single key for Tenor | | €115.00 |
BT 6AN | AURA, Study, Tenor, Pearwood | model with bent neck, baroque fingering, with thumbhole bushing |        | €502.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | Single key for Tenor | | €115.00 |
BT 6B | AURA, Study, Tenor, Bubinga | baroque fingering, with thumbhole bushing |        | €573.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | Single key for Tenor | | €115.00 |
BT 6BN | AURA, Study, Tenor, Bubinga | model with bent neck, baroque fingering, with thumbhole bushing |        | €616.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | Single key for Tenor | | €115.00 |
BN7 | AURA, Advanced, Sopranino, Pearwood | Conservatorium, thumbholebushing, conical bloque |        | €235.00 |
BN 7B | AURA, Advanced, Sopranino, Boxwood | Conservatorium, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €292.00 |
BN 7P | AURA, Advanced, Sopranino, Rosewood | Conservatorium, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €348.00 |
BN 7G | AURA, Advanced, Sopranino, Grenadilla | Conservatorium, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €451.00 |
BS 8 | AURA, Advanced, Soprano, Pearwood | Conservatorium, 3-parts, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €245.00 |
BS 8B | AURA, Advanced, Soprano, Boxwood | Conservatorium, 3-parts, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €365.00 |
BS 8P | AURA, Advanced, Soprano, Rosewood | Conservatorium, 3 parts, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €433.00 |
BS 8G | AURA, Advanced, Soprano, Grenadilla | Conservatorium, 3 parts, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €548.00 |
BA 9 | AURA, Advanced, Alto, Pearwood | Conservatorium, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €410.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | double key for Alto | | €230.00 |
BA 9B | AURA, Advanced, Alto, Boxwood | Conservatorium, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €605.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | double key for Alto | | €230.00 |
BA 9P | AURA, Advanced, Alto, Rosewood | Conservatorium, thumbhole bushing and conical bloque |        | €768.00 |
| AURA, -, Option, - | double key for Alto | | €230.00 |